Getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep does not guarantee you won’t wake up with shoulder pain sleeping on side. When this happens, it ...
Here are 6 tips on how to better take care of yourself so that you can age beautifully and continue to remain classy. Every ...
It is hard to notice anything brewing under your skin until the bump shows up, leaving you wondering if it’s a pimple or cold ...
You might have never thought you would search for the best incontinence underwear for women until now. Life happens, and struggling with incontinence shouldn’t ...
If you feel your body is stiff or can’t move around quickly, you must learn how to pop lower back. When doing this, you ...
Smoke smart is the attractive marketing ploy behind the successful herbal cigarette sale, do you believe they are a healthier alternative? Smoking is more ...
Some people only discover their passion after being pointed in that direction, as is the case of Misty Copeland, who joined the ballet school ...
If you love to watch TV shows, you might have come across some works from Shonda Rhimes as she is a household name and ...
Every year, millions of people spend thousands of dollars at the dentist’s office, fixing one dental problem or another. A lot of the time, ...
About Me
Fashion & Beauty Enthusiast
Hi, I'm Fanti. I'm a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle enthusiast, and the ultimate curves queen. Here, I share beauty, fashion, and lifestyle tips to teach, inspire, and give confidence to all women.