How To Reduce Redness From Acne Naturally Plus Some Effective Formulas

how to reduce redness from acne
source: herocosmetics

Fighting off acne, especially on your face, takes an arsenal of the best skincare products combined with healthy lifestyle choices. 

However, the redness that accompanies the acne is something else to deal with and leaves you wondering how to reduce redness from acne. That is an important question, as you don’t want to struggle with dark spots alongside redness. 

While you might think that acne targets only you in the universe, you might feel better knowing that it is a common skin problem in both men and women.

It cannot be very comfortable for anyone, but there are many ways that you can help reduce redness and breakouts. First, let’s do a refresher on acne and its causes. 

What is Acne?

Acne is a complex skin condition caused by accumulated dead skin cells and sebum, a substance produced by the sebaceous glands. It is characterized by redness, flaking, and dryness of the skin.

Sometimes, hormonal imbalances can cause acne. When it shows up, acne is often accompanied by psychological stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, and other factors that can lead to severe depression.

Studies have shown that people who struggle with acne are more likely to develop depression than those who don’t suffer from acne but do not fret as there are many ways to prevent acne from ruining your skin.

What Causes Redness From Acne?

Redness from acne is triggered by insistent picking at your blemishes. Using your fingers to pick out your acne forces your cells to develop a red spot.

So, after the acne disappears, you might still notice redness after some time since your skin is already traumatized. However, you don’t have to pick at your blemishes before the redness forms necessarily.

In some cases, the redness develops when the acne has become infected. Acne can leave anything from purple to red marks, which linger for weeks when left unattended. 

The redness is one of the things to expect when dealing with acne, as you can develop scars from picking at the blemish. Acnes stretch the skin tissues, so your hand further damages the skin surrounding the acne.

Such tissue increases the melanin condition of the skin, which you see as a scar. Commonly scars are supposed to fade over time when you practice a good skincare routine like exfoliation and applying creams. 

Acne redness can also show up because of dilated blood vessels. Because of the inflammation, the blood vessels are restricted since the cells become unusually active.

If the vessels are responsible for the redness, you must wait a few weeks for them to shrink to the original size. 

How to Reduce Redness From Acne

#1 Keep Your Hands Away from Your Face

Please do not touch your face Unless necessary, no matter how tempting it might seem to pop the pimples keep your hands away. It would be best to touch your face only when you want to apply creams or other treatment options.

If you follow this no hands on your face rule, you will notice clearer skin with few scars, but you still must combine suited treatment options.

You can reduce redness from acne by applying a warm, soothing compress to the affected area; according to the experts, this reduces the redness and relaxes and soothes the skin.

 In addition, you can use a cool compress to reduce swelling and itching. Acne usually appears red because it has a high concentration of sebum (a gooey substance produced by the sebaceous glands) which clogs the pores and obstructs them.

To get rid of acne, you need to reduce or eliminate it. To reduce redness from acne when you think your acne is getting too bad, put a cold pack on your forehead for about 10 minutes.

After that, you should apply some moisturizer and acne treatment, and your skin will be much more comfortable after doing this.  

 easing up uninvited redness from acne
source: Pinkvilla

#2 Tilt Towards Treatments and Foods that Have Anti-inflammatory Properties

When you go in search of acne treatment, find products that contain ingredients that can reduce inflammation. One of the best options to reduce the redness is with Epionce Lytic Acne Treatment.

This product is made with natural ingredients that help reduce redness and repair and protect your skin. When you get acne treatment formulas, combining a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods is only fitting.

In turn, you should avoid a diet with foods like chocolate, starch, and sugar that will derail your plans. 

#3 Add Exfoliating and Lightening Products to your Routine

A great skincare regimen improves your chance of healing your redness and acne if you have the right products and remain consistent. One quick way to stop acne breakouts is by applying a gentle exfoliating scrub to your skin.

This may sound like an easy solution, but it isn’t effortless. Finding a suitable exfoliant for your skin type can be tricky, even if you have oily skin. 

You can do the traditional exfoliation thrice a week and apply a brightening cream afterward, or go for advanced formulas that offer the two-in-one product. 

If you find such active products containing mild acids that exfoliate the skin, you can fight off hyperpigmentation, and ingredients that can brighten your skin can soothe acne redness.

You can also search for a serum that will promote your natural pigments. 

#4 Sunscreen is Your Friend

No skincare routine is ever complete without applying sunscreen, yet many people still fail to do it. If you fall under this category of people, you need to rectify that ASAP.

Using a dedicated sunscreen on your skin hastens the effects of your acne treatment, which can reduce the redness of your acne. A cult’s favorite is Elta Md UV Clear Broad Spectrum Sunscreen With SPF 46.

That’s because leaving your skin exposed to UV rays daily prompts the cells that produce melanin, which will only make your scar darker and extend the appearance of this redness. 

UV Clear Facial Sunscreen | SPF 46 | Sensitive Skin Sunscreen | for acne
courtesy of brand

#5 You Might need to Drink More tea

Well, not just any tea, but green and spearmint tea, which has natural properties to help clear your skin. So, you might want to start brewing and steeping some green tea bags if you reduce the redness.

Green tea contains antioxidants that benefit the skin; sipping them can help reduce acne inflammations. 

#6 Consider Booking a Micro-needling Appointment

Adding a non-invasive cosmetic surgery to enhance your skincare products is quite normal. Micro-needling is done when a certified beautician uses a specialized tool containing tiny sterile needles to prick your skin and develop new cells.

It is also quite popular because it boosts. Supporting your skin with such procedures only works in your favor and helps you achieve your skin goals in lesser time. 

While collagen production might be one of the best benefits of this procedure, you can expect to have more hydrated skin with improved elasticity.

That’s why most dermatologists recommend this procedure for this looking to have younger skin. If the micro-needling procedure sounds appealing, you should get it, as you can ultimately say goodbye to acne and its redness.

Before you book a session, you might want to consider the cost as it is pretty pricy, and usually, you will have to undergo several sessions to achieve your desired result. 

MICRONEEDLING Facial Treatments for acne redness
source: IntroliftMedicalSpa

How to Reduce Redness From Acne: The Best Products for Acne Treatment

Sometimes the culprit responsible for the redness of your acne might be your choice of products. To maintain your skin, you can apply too much product that leaves your face dry or not enough that makes your face too oily, which is terrible for your skin.

Regardless of your skincare routine, it would be best if you always strived to keep your skin clean and packed with products that protect it. So, which products can you use to reduce the redness?

Niacinamide: You need products rich in niacinamide in your beauty regimen to help you keep acne at bay. Due to its high potency level to reduce inflammations, it has become a sought-after ingredient in most acne treatment creams and serums.

Frequent use will help you promote the healthy skin you desire. We recommend Paula’s Choice Clinical Niacinamide 20% Treatment for this job. 

Pimple Patches: A pimple patch is like an all-in-one mask that helps reduce pimples and heals your skin. You can find powerhouse ingredients like niacinamide, vitamin C and salicylic acid, which are great for achieving clear skin.

It is good to use a pimple patch if the redness covers a large area of your skin so the treatment touches everywhere at once. 

Salicylic acid: There is hardly any acne treatment that is not infused with Salicylic Acid for its anti-blemish powers. This staple ingredient earned its rep for being multi-functional as it helps to fight off bacteria and redness. 

Another thing you can consider to improve your skin is an LED face mask, which combats wrinkles, prevents breakouts, and reduces inflammations.

It would help if you also increased your skin cleansing frequency during the active stage of struggling with acne and redness. Furthermore, ensure your skin gets hydrated with a healthy moisturizer that won’t clog your pores. 


When dealing with acne problems, redness is to be expected, so when it does show up, you must think of ways to manage it.

Staying devoted to a skincare routine helps you see results faster, but before you do, you can always rely on concealers and foundations for your makeup shelf to reduce the appearance of the redness.

If your skin seems to be getting worse and is accompanied by pain, you should consider consulting with your dermatologist, as they are always in the best place to advise you. 

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Fanti Tukuwei
I'm a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle enthusiast, and the ultimate curves queen. Here, I share beauty, fashion, and lifestyle tips to teach, inspire, and give confidence to all women.